Cotton Rate in Pakistan on 1st Oct 2024

Cotton Rate in Pakistan

Cotton is one of the most prized crops in Pakistan and gets to share its major contribution towards the economy of the agricultural and textile industries. Pakistan ranks among the world’s top cotton-producers, hence a great factor in the livelihood of millions of farmers and workers. For this reason, an understanding of the cotton rate in Pakistan goes a long way for stakeholders such as farmers, textile manufacturers, and traders alike. It is due to this reason that, in this blog, we will mainly concentrate on trends of the cotton rate, its affecting factors, and look forward to 2024.

Cotton Rates in Different Provinces (Approximate)

Province Rate per Maund (Rs.)
Punjab 18,000 – 20,000
Sindh 17,500 – 19,500
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) 16,000 – 18,000
Balochistan 15,000 – 17,000

Introduction to Cotton in Pakistan

Cotton is considered to be “white gold,” and it is one of the significant crops in Pakistan. Pakistan stands among the top four countries in the world as a cotton-producing nation and generates a tremendous amount of exportable surpluses that greatly contribute to the international supply. As Pakistan has a well-developed textile industry, it exports a good percentage of its cotton internationally to earn foreign exchange. There are various factors, which cause variation in the rate of cotton in a particular year in Pakistan. Some of the primary factors include demand and supply, an altering trend in the international market, and the climate of the country.

It is significant in the hands of farmers and traders due to keeping track of the cotton rate in order to decide whether to buy or sell based on the situation.

2. Importance of Cotton in Pakistan’s Economy

For cotton, it is just not a crop, but forms the largest and most important part of Pakistan’s textile industry. The sector contributes to almost 60% of the country’s exports. It has a direct impact on the livelihoods of more than 1.5 million farmers and indirectly affects the employment of millions in the textiles industry. Cottonseed-the by-product-is also very important for oil and animal feed production.

Nevertheless, for the importance that cotton prices carry, fluctuation in these rates tends to create ripples in economy as a whole. A healthy and profitable rate of cotton does entail economic stability for Pakistan’s rural population but also maintains its export market in textile.

3. Factors Determining Cotton Rates

The rate for cotton within Pakistan is influenced by a myriad of both domestic and international factors like:

a. Supply and Demand

A fundamental economic principle guiding supply and demand is prevalent in this regard. Higher production of cotton generally results in decreasing the prices, whereas a shortage of cotton ultimately increases the prices.

b. Prices of Global Markets of Cotton

Pakistan is a part of the international market of cotton. Prices within the global markets formulated by major producing countries of the world, including USA, China, and India, have a direct impact on the rates of cotton in the country.

c. Climate Conditions

Weather conditions; rainfall, drought, as well as infestation due to pests, affect the production of cotton. Extreme conditions can result in destruction of the crops, thus reducing supplies and raising prices.
Government policies.
Subsidies, support prices, and import/export taxes by the government have an impact on the local cotton rate. Government policies ensure fairness in price both on the farmers’ side and on the side of the traders.
f. Currency Exchange Rates

Since cotton is traded internationally, fluctuations in the Pakistani rupee relative to other currencies make cotton either pricey or less expensive to international clients.

f. Energy Costs

Electricity and fuel costs impact cotton production and processing costs directly. At times, energy price increases coincided with high cotton rates.

g. Pest Infestation and Crop Diseases

Other major threats include attacks by bollworms, among diseases that destroy substantial portions of the cotton crop, thus reducing supply and hence increasing the price.

4. Cotton Rate Trends 2023

2023 fluctuations in Pakistan’s cotton prices were largely driven by weather factors, as well as new changes in international demand. Initially, prices smoothed out at the beginning of this year but began to be marred towards its middle stages through floods that affected several of the country’s key cotton-producing regions and cut into the supply.

At the peak, the 2023 cotton rate reached a record of PKR 12,000 per maund. However, by year end, that declined because of better global supply and good weather in Pakistan.

5. Cotton Rates Projected in 2024

Ahead, the 2024 cotton price will be influenced by a number of key concerns. With the current trends and prophecy, here is what stakeholders have to expect:

a. Stable cotton production levels

Experts predict that cotton production will be stable during 2024 if favorable weather conditions are met. Therefore, stability should ensure moderate cotton rates throughout the year.

b. Effects of government policies

The administration’s further support by means of subsidies and minimum support prices is likely to keep rates at a level where the farmer as well as trader has a good chance of earning. Any changes in these policies will have a great effect on the market.
c. Foreign Demand
As the economies of the world are to recover from the pandemic, international demand for cotton will go up. It may make Pakistan export more cotton out of the country leading to forcing up the domestic cotton prices.
d. Technological Upgrades

With adoption of new modern farming techniques and genetic modification of cotton varieties, yield will improve with a possibility of balancing cotton rate in 2024.
Role of the Government in Regulating Cotton Prices:

6. Policy for stabilizing cotton rate

On the other hand, the Pakistani government plays a big role in maintaining stability in the price of cotton to both farmers and buyers alike. The way this is done is through the provision of input subsidies on seeds and fertilizers and minimum support prices to cushion the farmer from any shocks caused by adverse market fluctuations.

However, the government has encouraged research and development to make cotton cultivated for more yields and less prone to insects. Better irrigation facilities, storage, and other agricultural infrastructure investment helps to maintain balanced cotton rates in Pakistan.

7. International Factors Influencing Cotton Prices

International cotton markets have a dynamic influence on the cotton rates in Pakistan. Among many of them, several have been summarized below:

US-China Trade Relations: China is the largest buyer of cotton in the world. Bilateral trade war between China and other major cotton producers like the US tend to push up the demand for Pakistani cotton, which will send waves in local rates.
Oil Prices: High oil prices are an increased cost of transport and production around the globe. It also drives up the price of cotton.
Global Supply Chain Disruptions The pandemic COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine crisis have brought about supply chain disruptions, affecting the availability and cost of cotton in worldwide markets.
8. How Climate Change Affects Cotton Production

Climatic changes are at a crucial category, posing serious issues with the production of cotton in Pakistan. The majority of climate changes that Pakistan has undergone were already testified by extreme weather conditions-cum-showers of floods, droughts, and erratic monsoon rains. As such, the cotton’s production has faced low yields and high prices.

These extreme weather events may destroy the whole cotton industry and make it compulsory for the government as well as farmers to invest in climate-resilient agricultural practices like the introduction of drought-resistant seeds, improvement in irrigation methods, and modern farming technologies.

9. Problems Faced by Cotton Farmers in Pakistan

Cotton farmers face a lot of problems; among them are:

Lack of Exposure to Modern Technologies: Most farmers have been using older ways of farming. The results of such techniques are lower yields and reduced margins.
Water Stress: Water scarcity is a major constraint in Sindh and Punjab provinces of the country, which hampers the output of cotton as it is a water guzzling crop.
Inadequate Controls on Pests Infestations: Crop significant losses occur annually due to lack of effective control.
Market Access: Most of these small-holder farmers are not placed in a better position that would favor negotiation on selling their crops at larger markets.
10. Cotton Price across Different Regions of Pakistan

Cotton is cultivated in the regions of Punjab and Sindh. The price of cotton varies sometimes from the provinces because of the weather conditions and availability of irrigation and other infrastructural facility. It is expected that, in 2024, Sindh will be in the lead with regards to this crop as climate conditions within the province are favorable and advanced technology is now being utilized in agriculture.

In Punjab, the rate of cotton would be a little lower due to higher competition in terms of farmers, but this would always play a significant role for Punjab as a region in the country’s total supply of cotton.

11. Conclusion

There are a lot of influences, internal and external, on the determination of the cotton price in Pakistan. Coming into 2024, cautiously optimistic outlook both in the production and pricing of cotton are sustained by demand, thanks to the improvement in farming practice.

It is hence of crucial importance to anyone involved in the cotton trade-business people-farmers and traders to textile manufacturers alike. Know what is going on and in a position to adapt to be able to make better decisions based on changes in market conditions and opportunities to maximize gains in an ever-changing landscape.

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